My approach

I believe as humans we know ourselves best and ultimately we have the answers to our issues within us. We can be helped to find our way towards those answers when we are part of a safe therapeutic relationship.


MSc Counselling & Psychotherapy — University of Northampton

Diploma in Counselling and Psychotherapy — Dublin Counselling and Therapy Centre

Certificate in Counselling skills — NUI Maynooth



Therapeutic approach — Humanistic and integrative.


Counselling and Psychotherapy Services


Individual Counselling and Psychotherapy

Counselling and Psychotherapy can provide a safe space in which to explore struggles and difficulties we may be having in our lives. An accepting, supportive therapeutic relationship can help healing and growth to take place.

Couples Counselling

Couples counselling can provide a safe space for couples who may be having difficulty relating. It can be an opportunity to give the relationship time and space to explore some of these difficulties.


Maternal Well Being

Women can experience feelings of depression and anxiety, during and after pregnancy. Traumatic birth, fertility issues, loss and grief may also be part of their experience. Counselling and Psychotherapy can offer women a non judgemental supportive space in which to talk through some of these issues.


What counselling and psychotherapy can offer

Part of what it is to be human is that throughout our lives we will have good times and bad times. Sometimes people will need support during those bad times. Reaching out and asking for help can be difficult, yet it is one of the most courageous things we can do for ourselves.


Why people come to Counselling and Psychotherapy

People come to Counselling for many different reasons. At times people can feel very stuck in their lives, the way they are living and the choices they are making. They may need support or clarity around certain situations. Counselling and Psychotherapy can offer a safe space in which to explore some of these feelings.


counselling and psychotherapy can help with



Relationship issues



Self harm / Suicidal thoughts

Eating disorders

Sexual abuse


Work / life changes

Ante-natal /
Postnatal depression & anxiety


163 Saint Mobhi Road
Dublin 9


Making Appointments

To make an appointment, please contact me on: 087 296 4538